  现在很多的考研机构会玩文字游戏,看上去课时非常的多,需要了解具体的收费标准,而且要了解它的课时收费标准包不包含答疑的课时,这些是需要全面掌握的,考研机构推荐在选择的过程中需要进行专业的对比。专业的考研机构在课时安排这方面做的比较合理,而课时安排比较得当,可以根据学生的学习需求循序渐进的发展。  很多想考研的学生在了解了网上考研培训怎么选择?目前好多准备考研的学生通过多家对比,对高途考研认可度很高,不但师资力量雄厚,而且口碑好,并且责任心比较强,升学率比较高,收费也比较合理,很多人愿意在这里学习奔赴考场,考上满意的目标院校。



Graduate School of Capital Normal University

The Graduate School of Capital Normal University generally refers to the Graduate School of Capital Normal University

Capital Normal University (CNU), founded in 1954, is a comprehensive normal university with majors in liberal arts, science, engineering, management, law, education, foreign language and art. It is one of the key universities under the construction of Beijing Municipality. In the past 57 years since its establishment, the school has trained nearly 110,000 senior professionals of various kinds. It is an important base to train qualified teachers for basic education in Beijing and to train talents for other modernization construction. Capital Normal University started its postgraduate education in 1978, and began to train doctoral students in 1984. It is one of the second batch of doctoral degree granting institutions in China. The Graduate School of Capital Normal University (CNU) was established in November 2011 in order to strengthen discipline construction and graduate education, improve discipline construction level and graduate training quality.

