考研范文(英语考研范文) _考研培训班课程




Dear Sir or Madam,

I am a university student from Beijing. I would like to offer my limited financial help to support a school pupil in West China.

Although I am not rich, I am living a better life than many children in the west. I know someof them are dropping out of school because of financial problems. This is most regretful because

if they grow up without education, they will have little chance of changing their life and will probably remain in poverty all the time.

Therefore, I would like to give up some entertainment and use the 200 Yuan which is savedeach month to support a girl in Sichuan Province to finish her primary school. She should be 7 or8 years old and should be very keen to go to school. Can you find a candidate for me?

Your kind reply will be deeply appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


1. financial help 经济援助

2. financial problems 经济困难

3. regretful a.惋惜

4. give up some entertainment 放弃娱乐

5.be keen to do 迫切想要做



第二段:论述愿意捐助的理由。第 1 句论述理由 1:自己自身比西部人更富裕; 第 2-3 句

论述理由 2:一些人因为经济紧张而辍学,而他们可能因缺乏教育而永远不能改变贫穷的命


第三段:介绍资助具体细节。第 1 句介绍资助计划,提出每个月捐助 200 元,以帮助完成小

学学业。第 2 句指明受助者的条件,提出受助者年龄要 7、8 岁并对学习非常渴望。第 3 句




Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m writing to ask if you can recommend a child as the recipient of my financial assistance. I am a university student from Beijing and would like to financially support a girl in Sichuan

Province to finish her primary school. The proper candidate should be 7 or 8 years old and shouldbe very keen to go to school.I choose to help a girl, because girls are more likely to drop out of school because of financial stress. Those girls without education will have little chance to grow out of poverty trap. Therefore,

although I am not rich, I would like to offer my help. I will give up some entertainment and use the 200 Yuan which is saved each month to pay her tuition.

Your kind reply will be deeply appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming





7、8 岁,并且应该很期望上学。我选择帮助女生,是因为女孩更有可能因为经济压力而退学。没有受过教育的女生几乎没有机会摆脱贫困。因此,虽然我并不富裕,我仍然愿意提供我的帮助。我将放弃一些娱乐,用每个月节省下的 200 元钱付她的学费。





考研范文(英语考研范文) _考研培训班课程
