  第二,选机构选便宜  如今在艺术专业之中也有越来越多的人选择读研究生,毕竟艺术专业本身就业面就不是非常的广,如果选择考研的话甚至有机会进入高校当老师,或者进入中小学当老师,所以考研能够拓宽艺术生的就业面。而艺术生的考研科目比较特殊,除了公共课和理论课以外,也包括实操课,而美术考研培训班、舞蹈考研培训班等基本都是对理论进行培训,那么真的有必要报名吗?

体育类 公办 普通本科

天津体育学院是一所以教育学为主,管理学、文学、艺术学、理学协调发展的、由天津市教育委员会主管的公立普通本科院校。 学校成立于1958年8月,1979年开始招收硕士研究生,1986年获得硕士学位授予权,2003年学校被教育部正式批准为“开展联合培养博士学位研究生工作单位”,2013年7月,学校成为“博士学位授予单位”。 截至2018年1月,学校占地1115.7亩,总建筑面积约46万平方米,学校现有教职工485人,其中具有正高级职称人员56人,副高级职称人员136人;具有博士学位的人员86人、硕士学位的人员293人。教学科研仪器设备总值1亿2千余万元,学校图书馆新馆建筑面积近1.5万平米,现有纸质文献馆藏总量37.7万册,纸质期刊851种,电子图书总量300万余册。现有全日制在校生6075人,其中高职生375人,本科生5247人,硕士研究生436人,博士研究生17人。

Tianjin Institute of Physical Education

Physical education public general undergraduate

Tianjin University of Physical Education (TJPE) is a public university with a focus on pedagogy and a coordinated development of management, literature, art and science, supervised by Tianjin Municipal Education Commission. The university was founded in August 1958, and began to enroll postgraduate students in 1979. In 1986, the university was granted the right to grant master's degree. In 2003, the university was officially approved by the Ministry of Education as the "unit to carry out joint training of doctoral graduate students", and in July 2013, the university became the "unit to grant doctoral degree". As of January 2018, the university covers an area of 1115.7 mu, with a total construction area of 460,000 square meters. Currently, the university has 485 faculty and staff members, among whom 56 have senior professional titles and 136 have associate senior professional titles. There are 86 people with doctor's degrees and 293 people with master's degrees. The total value of teaching and scientific research equipment is more than 120 million yuan. The new library of the university covers an area of nearly 15,000 square meters. At present, the total collection of paper literature is 377,000 volumes, 851 kinds of paper periodicals and more than 3 million volumes of electronic books. The university has a total enrollment of 6075 full-time students, including 375 vocational students, 5247 undergraduates, 436 postgraduate students and 17 doctoral students.

