

Also known as the Silenced No More Act, the bill protects workers who speak out about discrimination and harassment, even if they’ve signed a nondisclosure agreement, a common practice in the tech industry. As the law was making its way through the legislative system, a coalition of companies spearheaded by Ozoma pushed other tech firms to commit to extending its protection to all employees, not just those based in California. Apple tried to get the proposal thrown out, but in late December the SEC ruled that the proposal does not “seek to micro-manage the company,” as Apple claimed, meaning shareholders can now vote on it.


It can be inferred from the text that __.

A.Apple has not implemented nondisclosure agreement

B.SEC is an avid supporter of anti-discrimination policy

C.nondisclosure agreements encourage free expression

D.Ozoma tried to expand the influence of the new Act

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第一句:Also known as the Silenced No More Act, the bill protects workers who speak out about discrimination and harassment, even if they’ve signed a nondisclosure agreement, a common practice in the tech industry.参考译文:该法案也被称为《不再沉默法案》,保护那些公开谈论歧视和骚扰的雇员,即使他们已经签署了保密协议–科技行业的惯例。

第二句:As the law was making its way through the legislative system, a coalition of companies spearheaded by Ozoma pushed other tech firms to commit to extending its protection to all employees, not just those based in California.参考译文:在法案通过立法体系的同时,由欧佐玛牵头的企业联盟推动其他科技公司承诺将法案所及的保护覆盖所有员工,而不仅仅是基于加利福尼亚州的员工。

第三句:Apple tried to get the proposal thrown out, but in late December the SEC ruled that the proposal does not “seek to micro-manage the company,” as Apple claimed, meaning shareholders can now vote on it.参考译文:苹果试图否决该提案,但12月下旬美国证券交易委员会裁定该提案并不像苹果声称的那样“寻求微管理公司”,这意味着股东现在可以对提案进行投票。


It can be inferred from the text that __.A. Apple has not implemented nondisclosure agreement(苹果没有推行保密协议)B. SEC is an avid supporter of anti-discrimination policy(证券交易委员会是反歧视政策的热切支持者)C. nondisclosure agreements encourage free expression(保密协议鼓励自由表达)D. Ozoma tried to expand the influence of the new Act(欧佐玛尝试扩展新法案的影响力)




Silenced No More Act 不再沉默法案

bill n. 法案

discrimination n. 歧视

harassment n. 骚扰

signed v. 签订

nondisclosure agreement 保密协议

tech industry n. 科技公司

legislative system 立法系统

coalition n. 联盟

spearheaded adj. 带头的

commit v. 承诺

extending v. 延伸

proposal n. 提案

ruled v. 裁定

micro-manage 微观管理

shareholders n. 股东

vote v. 投票


虽然科技巨头们仍持续对我们的日常生活施加巨大的影响,但一场声势日渐壮大的问责运动已开始制约他们的权力。这场运动主要由技术工人们自己发起,寻求改变企业们运营的方式、和员工的相处之道,以及要求企业们承担与跨国实体这个身份相匹配的责任。这场运动可以说发端于2021年10月4日,其时,脸书的揭发人弗朗西斯·豪根公开了一系列对脸书不利的消息,指责这家互联网巨头完全让企业目标凌驾于道德和用户的利益。豪根之后,另一位曾曝光Pinterest的种族和性别歧视做法的知名揭发人伊菲欧玛·欧佐玛和数名同事上线 “技术工人手册”网站,向潜在的揭发人分享如何应对媒体,解释法定权利,教授线上安全事项(比如如何避免企业监控等)。网站的首页上写道,“有所准备就是力量。个人不应依靠口耳相传的隐秘网络来求取正义。”网站上线后不久,加州通过了在技术界影响巨大的《不再沉默法案》,保护员工自由、公开表达对工作环境中的看法——包括薪酬、福利、歧视、骚扰等方面——的权利,且此权利不受保密协议的制约。除此之外,2021年技术领域还新组建了12个技术工人工会,虽然这些工会的规模和影响力仍相当有限,但无疑反应了一个不容忽视的事实:科技企业们可以信马由缰地任意制定规则的日子已经一去不复返,工人和立法都在发出自己的声音,尝试给野蛮生长的大科技划出边界,注入良心。


《不再沉默法案》(Silenced No More Act ):华盛顿州成为全美第二个通过该法案的州,该法案禁止该州的雇主使用保密协议来阻止工人谈论非法骚扰和歧视、报复、性侵犯和侵犯工资的事件。


Getting Organized(组织起来)




In her book Bored and Brilliant, Manoush Zomorodi definitively sets the record straight on just how much we need to be bored. “When our minds wander,” she discovered, “we activate something called the ‘default mode’, the mental place where we solve problems and generate our best ideas and engage in what’s known as ‘autobiographical planning’.” This, she says, is how we make sense of the world, ourselves and our goals.


