
01教育和文化 —就业

ambitious 雄心壮志的、野心勃勃的

adaptability 适应性

adapt oneself to … 使自己适应..

Prosperity 繁荣

be disadvantageous to .. 对..不利

the flow of talents 人才流动

mechanism of the flow of talents 人才流动机制

survival of the fitest 适者生存

sense of accomplishment 成就感

Potentiality 潜能

learn to cooperate and comprise 学习合作和妥协

Promising/bright future 光明的前途

a challenging job 一份具有挑战性的工作

turning point 转折点

be closely related to … 与…息息相关

make it to the top 出人头地

a decent job 一份体面的工作

a sense of responsibility 责任感

stability and satisfaction 稳定感和满足感

enable skills to be updated 使技能可以不断更新

expand one’s horizon开阔视野

stand up to 1 meet the challenge迎接挑战

realize the value oflife实现人生价值

enrich one ‘s social experience丰富一个人的社会阅历

cultivate one ‘s independence and toughness培养自己的独立性和坚韧性

seek for personal development追求个人发展

display one’s talent展示才能

a sense of self- fulfillment自我实现感

meet one ‘s personalized needs满足某人个性化需求

chance of promotion升职机会

a rapid pace oflife快节奏生活

stress-related ilnesses与压力有关的疾病

high cost of living高额生活费用

offer more job opportunities提供更多的就业机会


social welfare社会福利

02教育和文化 —— 文化融合

cultural diversity 文化多元化

cultural treasures文化宝藏

cross-cultural communication跨文化交流

cultural reconstruction文化重建

spiritual civilization精神文明


achievements of art艺术成就

tear down拆除

humane historical sites人文历史遗址

preserve the cultural relics保护文化遗产

catch people ‘s eyes 1 atract people ‘s attention吸引人们的眼球

artistic taste艺术品味

city designing城市设计

beautify our life美化我们的生活

human civilization人类文明

cradle of culture文化摇篮

mainstream culture主流文化

cultural traditions文化传统

national pride民族自豪

local customs and practices风土人情

artistic reflection艺术反映

give publicity to…. 宣传..

cause rreversible damage 造成不可逆转的损失

national identity and value民族特性和价值观

break with old customs 抛弃传统

carry down from generation to generation 代代相传

carry forward .. 弘扬..

cultural needs 文化需求

maintain the world peace 维护世界和平

Consensus 共识

satiate people’ s psychological demands 满足心理需求

attach more importance to ….. 更重视

spiritual enhancement 精神升华

Determinant 决定性因素

contribute to … 有助于…

a sense of cool and satisfaction 一种愜意的感觉

Pastimes 消遣方式

nurture imagination 培养想象力

meditation 沉思

an essence of immortality 永恒的精髓

Instructive 有启发性的


family attachment家庭归属感

mutual understanding 相互了解

alienation of affection 感情疏远

be sick of .. 对…厌倦

generation gap代沟






quality education素质教育

cultivate a good habit培养好习惯

persist in/insist on doing sth 坚持

keep optimistic 保持乐观

honesty is the best policy 诚实为上策

possess ability and merit 德才兼备

be indulged in.. 沉溺于…

Unsociable 不好社交的

be addicted to .. 对..上瘾

be fascinated by … 被…所吸引

in the long run 从长远角度而言

be vulnerable to .. 易于患上…

on the brink of … 处于..边缘

put the blame on … 归咎于…

be atributable to … 归因于..

spiritual enhancement 精神升华

be confronted with.. 面临着…

vicious cycle 恶性循环

a feasible measure 一种可行的措施

give priority to .. 优先考虑..

emotional communication 感情交流

determinant 决定性因素

dwarf 使…相形见绌

contribute to 有助于….

a sense of cool and satisfaction 一种惬意的感觉


a sense of self- fulfillment自我实现感

master interpersonal skills掌握人际交往技能

strengthen family ties加强家庭纽带关系

be detached from reality与现实隔绝

distinguish right from wrong明辨是非

be harmful to … 对..有害

physical and mental health 身心健康

stimulate one’s imagination and creativity 激发某人想象力和创造力

be exposed to…. 了解到..接触到…




