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师范类 双一流 公办 普通本科

首都师范大学(首师大,Capital Normal University),于1954年创建,坐落于北京市。该校是国家“双一流”世界一流学科建设高校,教育部与北京市政府共建高校,教育部本科教学工作水平评估优秀学校,北京市属重点大学。该校入选“国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目”、国家“特色重点学科项目”建设高校、教育部来华留学示范基地、教育部“卓越教师培养计划”“国家大学生创新性实验计划”、中国政府奖学金来华留学生接收院校、“乡村教师支持计划”、首批高等学校科技成果转化和技术转移基地、“北京市双培外培计划”、北京华文教育基地。


Capital Normal University

Normal double first-class public ordinary undergraduate course

Capital Normal University (Capital Normal University), founded in 1954, is located in Beijing. The university is a national "Double First-Class" university with world-class discipline construction. It is jointly built by the Ministry of Education and the Beijing Municipal Government. It is also a key university in Beijing and is rated as an excellent university for undergraduate teaching by the Ministry of Education. The school to be included in the "national construction under high level university graduate student project", national "special project" key disciplines construction in colleges and universities study demonstration base in China, the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Education "outstanding teacher training plan" "national college students' innovative experiment plan", the Chinese government scholarship for international students receive college, "rural teacher support plan", the first batch of transformation of scientific and technological achievements of institutions of higher learning And technology transfer base, "Beijing double foreign training program", Beijing Chinese Education Base.

Capital Normal University (CNU) was originally founded in 1954 as Beijing Normal College. After 1960, North China People's University, Beijing Normal College of Industry and Agriculture, Beijing Normal College of the Arts, Beijing Normal College and other departments were merged into CNU. 1992 The branch of Beijing Normal College was merged into Beijing Normal University and was renamed Capital Normal University. Since then, Beijing Union University Foreign Languages Normal School, Beijing Third Normal School, Tongzhou Normal School, and Beijing Preschool Normal School have been merged into one another.

